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Promotion Guide for
Get Organized (GO) Month

Hi !


I'm running a book promotion event for January GO (Get Organized) month and you're invited to participate.    


complete the survey if you would like to participate:


All books will be listed on the landing page

which redirects to    (under construction)

  • each week I will highlight those books that are on sale with a banner or other indicator

  • final organization of page will depend on the number and sub genres of the books that participate


How I will Market, Advertise & Get the Word Out:

  • I will be running Facebook ads, Bookbub ads, and Instagram ads

  • I will be writing blogs, newsletters, LinkedIn articles and attending networking events to share this event (and any other ideas that come to me)


What I ask of you in order to participate:

  1. complete the survey to submit title, book cover, and other details -   

  2. commit to:   

    • a minimum of one weekly posting on a social media platform of your choice       

    • at least one email notice to your mailing list (or a blog post or live video if preferred)

    • sharing at least one HYHBookCoach event post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest (non-sponsored post if at all possible please)

  3. NO COST to participating authors - I'm evaluating this cross promotion to see if it is worth our time, money, and effort. I'm also learning how to do a large cross promotion, so the only cost to you is what you choose.


NOTE: The survey ( is a bit long BUT I'm asking for info that is intended to help me to extend the reach of our individual marketing & advertising efforts and provide useful analytics on the ROI of this event (ROI for you the author and ROI for me the event planner). IF you prefer - you can just send me, via email, your book title, book cover, and social media handles that you'll be promoting with.


Resources I am providing

  • I'll send individual author links to the landing page which will allow me to provide you with more detailed analytics 

  • I'll send a weekly reminder and updated links to weekly images

  • various image sizes and formats for posting - let me know if you need one I haven't created yet

  • suggested #hashtags to use - let me know of others you think we should use

  • list of participating authors and their social media handles so we can all cross promote and connect

  • most resources will be available at


If you know of other authors who might want to participate, either send me their contact info ( or direct them to this page. I'll have a non-organizing section also, so all authors are welcome.


I will close participation on December 15 so that I have time to polish the landing page and resources.


If you would like to participate complete the survey at


Thanks and Happy Holidays


Shawndra Holmberg


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© 2017-2025 by Shawndra Holmberg
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